UKPNP & PTM demonstration in front of European Parliament
which was held on 07 August 2022 at Brussels.
10th anniversary of the EU Guidelines on FORB” at European Parliament
Date: June 29, 2023, Brussels
According to the Press Conference of a local clergy in Bagh( POJK), & the local President of Traders association has revealed that more 20 boys have gone missing in few weeks? Where those boys have gone? The disappearance of 20 innocent teenage boys has sparked alarming situation in the disputed area of Jammu & Kashmir. Maulana Khalil, President of Traders Organisation along with Salim Khan and others, hold a press conference at Bagh (POJK) on 25th June 2023. That Extremist and radical groups have abducted these boys, leaving parents in a traumatic situation , clueless about their whereabouts. I’ on behalf of the United Kashmir People’s National Party (UKPNP) would like to urge international community particularly European Parliament to ask Government of Pakistan to immediately investigate and recover missing young boys from District Bagh , Pakistani Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and We demand immediate action to ensure their safe return at home. I would like to draw the attention of European Parliament towards Migrant boat disaster in the Mediterranean sea, a Migrant boat carrying up to 750 people 400 of them said to belong to Pakistan and its administrated Jammu and Kashmir. We urge European Parliament and External Action Service to ask Pakistan foreign office to compensate the families of Jammu & Kashmir in the tragic boat disaster of Mediterranean sea. The religious freedom in Pakistan The 1973 Constitution of Pakistan guarantees religious freedom to all religious minorities, including Christians, Hindus, and Sikhs. This is mainly because Islam itself ensures religious freedom to the whole of humanity. Unfortunately, some Muslim clerics seem to be attempting to deny religious freedom to other faiths in Pakistan. Unfortunately, tolerance for religious minorities is lacking in Pakistan today. Minorities are facing exploitation by extremist groups, and some segments of society show hatred towards them, excluding religious minorities from mainstream society simply because of their religion. To do away with this situation, there is an urgent need to educate new generations in the country that both Islam and the national Constitution seek to treat religious minorities with justice and fairness. Each person who lives in any multi-religious society must accept and understand religious diversity. Understanding other religious groups’ faith and teachings could encourage an individual to accept and respect other religious beliefs. The freedom of practicing religion is the fundamental right of humanity, regardless of whether a person is Muslim or non-Muslim, and must not be ignored in any society or country. The religious minorities are suffering in Pakistan and the state of Pakistan is silent and don’t take appropriate action to ensure freedom of religion.
Sajid Hussain
Additional representative of an NGO at UNHRC
Secretary Information , UKPNP Europe Zone
6th commemorative anniversary of Naila Khaneen
Belgium: United Kashmir People's National Party demands release of PoJK activists arrested on "fake" terrorism charges
Read more At:
Condolence Reference of Madam Naila Khaneen and Conference on 23rd October 2018
at Residence Palace International Press Center,Belgium ,Brussels. Organized by UKPNP
Celebrations on the occasion of 38th foundation day of UKPNP at Brussels.
The Delegation of United Kashmir People’s National Party (UKPNP) comprises on Jamil Maqsood , Secretary Foreign Affairs UKPNP & Sajid Hussain Secretary Information UKPNP Europe Zone have Participated the European Institute for Asian Studies (EIAS) and the European External Action Service in-person Seminar on “Pakistan at a Crossroads: Navigating Challenges in a volatile region and the Potential for EU-Pakistan Relations”. The event has been organised on the occasion of a visiting delegation of senior journalists from Pakistan to Brussels and complemented by views from the European External Action Service. The delegation of UKPNP have raised questions about Jammu & Kashmir issue particularly the forced infinite exile of Sardar Shaukat Ali Kashmiri, UN Resolution , Truce agreement and its implementation , Karachi Accord and etc.
The UKPNP delegation have met with Deren Derya, Head of Division for Afghanistan and Pakistan, European External Action Service on the side line of EIAS Seminar and briefed about the current on going political turmoil in Pakistan and its administrative Jammu & Kashmir. According to the Press Conference of a local clergy in Bagh( POJK), & the local President of Traders association has revealed that more 20 boys have gone missing in few weeks? Where those boys have gone? The disappearance of 20 innocent teenage boys has sparked alarming situation in the disputed area of Jammu & Kashmir. Maulana Khalil, President of Traders Organisation along with Salim Khan and others, hold a press conference at Bagh (POJK) on 25th June 2023. That Extremist and radical groups have abducted these boys, leaving parents in a traumatic situation , clueless about their whereabouts.
We urge international community particularly External Action Service to ask Government of Pakistan to immediately investigate and recover missing young boys from District Bagh , Pakistani Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and We demand immediate action to ensure their safe return at home.
The UKPNP delegation draw the attention of European External action service towards Migrant boat disaster in the Mediterranean sea, a Migrant boat carrying up to 750 people 400 of them said to belong to Pakistan and its administrated Jammu and Kashmir. We urge European External Action Service to ask Pakistan foreign office to compensate the families of Jammu & Kashmir in the tragic boat disaster of Mediterranean sea.
The Deren Derya from European External service immediately called the official representative of Pakistan in Belgium( Brussels) and highlighted these important issues with the officials. Pakistani officials assured to compensate the victims of the families of Jammu & kashmir in Mediterranean boat sinking incident and to rescue the twenty children who have been abducted by terrorist organisations and give assurances to convey your message to Pakistani Authorities.
The snap of Deren Derya from European External action Service along with UKPNP delegation comprises on Jamil Maqsood and Sajid Hussain on the occasion of EIAS Seminar at Brussels.
The United Kashmir People’s National Party (UKPNP) has celebrated the 177th Foundation day state of Jammu & Kashmir on 16th March 2023 in European Capital city at Brussels.
Press Release: Brussels, July 31, 2023.
UKPNP High-Level Delegation Briefed European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) Member on Human Rights Situation in Pakistan Occupied Jammu & Kashmir.
A high-level delegation of the United Kashmir People's National Party (UKPNP) held a significant meeting with member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) at Brussels, aiming to shed light on the deteriorating human rights situation in Pakistan occupied Jammu & Kashmir.
During the meeting, the UKPNP delegation passionately conveyed their concerns regarding the ongoing human rights violations in Pakistan occupied Jammu & Kashmir as well as in the whole region. The UKPNP delegation presented a comprehensive overview of the current political, social, economical, cultural, land grabbing, and environmental issues faced by the people of Pakistan occupied Jammu & Kashmir.
The delegation emphasized the urgent need for international attention and action to address the human rights abuses being perpetrated in the region. The situation has caused immense suffering to the local population and has raised serious questions about the preservation of fundamental rights and freedoms.
Mr. Jamil Maqsood Secretary Foreign Affairs of UKPNP, representative of NGO at UNHRC led the delegation, and Sajid Hussain, Secretary information UKPNP Europe Zone & representative of NGO at UNHRC , they were warmly received by the EESC member Dumitru Fornea at EESC Headquarter in Brussels. The interactive session witnessed a candid exchange of views and information, allowing the EESC member to gain valuable insights into the complexities of the situation.
In this meeting & briefing, the UKPNP delegation underscored the importance of the international community's engagement in finding a just and lasting resolution to the issues plaguing the region.
The United Kashmir People's National Party (UKPNP) is a prominent political party that advocates for the rights and aspirations of the people of Jammu & Kashmir. Committed to promoting freedoms, rule of law, democracy, human rights, equality and social justice, UKPNP works tirelessly to raise awareness about the region's issues particularly the issue of Jammu & Kashmir and seek global support for a peaceful resolution.
The high-level delegation of the United Kashmir People's National Party (UKPNP) continued their impactful briefing with esteemed members of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) at Brussels, shedding light on the pressing issue of economic marginalization faced by the youth in Pakistan occupied Jammu & Kashmir.
During the meeting, the UKPNP delegation passionately addressed the alarming trend of youth migration to foreign countries in search of employment opportunities due to limited prospects at home. The delegation highlighted the need for urgent measures to address this concerning phenomenon and to empower the youth of the region with viable economic prospects.
Moreover, the delegation brought to the forefront the critical issue of curtailed fundamental rights experienced by the people of Pakistan occupied Jammu & Kashmir since 1947. They emphasized that the freedom of speech, expression, association, and assembly have been consistently restricted, stifling the voice of the local populace and undermining democratic values.
In a historical context, the delegation exposed the events of Gulmurg operations launched by Pakistan on 22 October 1947, which resulted in the invasion of the state of Jammu & Kashmir and subsequent division across the line of control. The UKPNP delegation voiced concerns about the lasting impact of these operations, including the division of families and the forcible snatching and looting of valuable resources from the disputed region.
The UKPNP delegation asserted that Pakistan has no locus standai on Jammu & Kashmir, and they categorically referred to Pakistan as an illegal occupier of the state of Jammu & Kashmir.
The EESC members listened attentively to the compelling presentation and expressed deep concern for the human rights situation and the economic challenges faced by the people of Pakistan occupied Jammu & Kashmir.The delegates of UKPNP, once again conveyed the party's commitment to seeking international support and engagement to address the longstanding issue of Jammu Kashmir. They urged the international community to stand in solidarity with the people of Pakistan occupied Jammu & Kashmir in their pursuit of justice, democracy, and the protection of fundamental rights.
The violation and abrogation of the State Subject Rule of 20 April 1927 by Pakistan in Jammu & Kashmir is a matter of serious concern. It indicates an attempt to alter the demographic composition of the disputed region, which can have significant implications for the local population and their rights.
The State Subject Rule was introduced to safeguard the rights and identity of the people of Jammu & Kashmir, ensuring that only the state's permanent residents could own land and have access to certain government benefits. By attempting to settle its citizens in Jammu & Kashmir, Pakistan is interfering with the region's demography, potentially affecting the political, social, and economic dynamics of the area.
Such actions can exacerbate existing tensions and impact the overall stability of the region. It's crucial for the international community to closely monitor and address such developments to protect the rights and aspirations of the people of Jammu & Kashmir. Upholding the principles of human rights and respecting the wishes of the local population are fundamental in finding a just and peaceful resolution to the longstanding issue of Jammu Kashmir.
The UKPNP delegation referred to historical events related to the formation of the state of Jammu & Kashmir. Indeed, the Maharaja Gulab Singh of Jammu and Kashmir played a significant role in the region's history.
In the aftermath of the First Anglo-Sikh War, the Treaty of Amritsar was signed on 16 March 1846 between the British East India Company and Maharaja Gulab Singh. As per the terms of this accord, the region of Jammu & Kashmir came under the rule of Maharaja Gulab Singh, establishing the princely state of Jammu & Kashmir.
The treaty granted Maharaja Gulab Singh sovereignty over the territory of Jammu, Kashmir. It was a significant turning point in the region's political landscape and laid the foundation for the state of Jammu & Kashmir.
It's important to recognize and understand the historical context of such events, as they continue to influence the present-day situation in the region. The history of Jammu & Kashmir is complex and has played a crucial role in shaping its political, social, and cultural dynamics.
The resolution passed by the European Parliament on 24 May 2007 at Strasbourg concerning the human rights situation in Jammu & Kashmir is an important step in highlighting the concerns of the people in the region. The resolution reflects the EU's commitment to promoting human rights and democracy worldwide.
To further address the human rights situation in Pakistan occupied Jammu & Kashmir, it would be appropriate for the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) to take a follow-up action on Eu resolution on Jammu Kashmir. EESC can play a significant role in monitoring and assessing the situation on the ground, engaging with relevant stakeholders, and advocating for the protection of human rights in the disputed region.
Moreover, linking the human rights situation in Pakistan occupied Jammu & Kashmir to the conditions of the EU Generalized Scheme of Preferences (GSP+) status to Pakistan could be a mechanism to incentivize Pakistan to address the human rights concerns in the disputed region. The GSP+ status provides certain trade benefits to eligible countries, and tying it to human rights performance sends a strong signal about the importance of upholding human rights standards.
Linking the implementation of the Truce agreement and UN resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir , withdrawal of troops , civilians and lent officers to the renewal of the EU's Generalized Scheme of Preferences (GSP+) status to Pakistan could serve as a mechanism to encourage and incentivize Pakistan to address the longstanding issues in the region.
The Truce agreement and UN resolutions provide a framework for finding a peaceful and just solution to the Jammu Kashmir dispute. By linking these international agreements to the renewal of GSP+ status, the EU can emphasize the importance of upholding the principles of peace, human rights, and adherence to international law.
However, it's essential to note that diplomatic issues are complex and sensitive. Any such linkage would require careful consideration, dialogue, and collaboration among all stakeholders involved, including Pakistan, India, China the EU, and the people of Jammu and Kashmir. The ultimate goal should be to facilitate a peaceful resolution that respects the aspirations and rights of the affected population and contributes to regional stability and prosperity.
It is important for the EU and its institutions, including EESC, to maintain a commitment to human rights, democracy, and the protection of fundamental freedoms globally. Continued monitoring and engagement on the situation in Jammu & Kashmir can contribute to a peaceful and just resolution of the issues faced by the people in the disputed region.
The insights provided by the UKPNP delegation shed light on several critical issues faced by the people in Pakistan occupied Jammu and Kashmir (POJK).
Land Grabbing and Occupation of Tourist Resorts: The delegation raised concerns about the alleged land grabbing and occupation of tourist resorts by the Pakistan Army in the disputed area of Jammu and Kashmir. Such actions can have significant implications for the local population and may impact their livelihoods and access to natural resources.
Lack of Infrastructure and Health Facilities: The lack of adequate infrastructure and healthcare facilities is a pressing issue that affects the overall well-being and development of the disputed region's residents. Access to essential services is vital for the social and economic progress of the people.
Activities of Banned Outfits and Terrorism: The delegation highlighted the activities of banned outfits and terrorist organizations operating in the disputed region. Terrorism and extremism can pose serious security threats and hinder the prospects of peace and stability in the area.
Restrictions on Nationalists and Discriminatory so called Constitution: The UKPNP delegation expressed concern about the alleged restrictions imposed on nationalists in POJK, preventing them from registering their organizations or participating in elections. Additionally, the UKPNP delegation criticised the constitution of 1974, stating that it lacks a social contract between the state and its citizens and it is based on discrimination.
Lack of Rule of Law and Independent Judiciary: The delegation pointed out the absence of a robust rule of law and independent judiciary in the disputed region. The perceived lack of judicial independence can undermine the principles of justice and fairness.
These concerns raised by the UKPNP delegation underscore the complex and sensitive nature of the situation in Pakistan occupied Jammu and Kashmir. It highlights the importance of addressing the region's issues through meaningful dialogue, respect for human rights, and adherence to democratic principles. The international community, including the EU and EESC, can play a crucial role in monitoring and advocating for a peaceful and just resolution to the challenges faced by the people in the disputed region.
The meeting concluded with a commitment from both sides to continue the dialogue and collaborate further on addressing the pressing challenges faced by the people of Pakistan occupied Jammu & Kashmir. They expressed their hopes for a peaceful and stable future for the people of Pakistan occupied Jammu & Kashmir, where human rights are not upheld and respected.
The EESC members expressed gratitude to the UKPNP delegation for sharing their perspectives and information. They assured the delegation that the concerns raised during the meeting would be taken into serious consideration. The meeting concluded on a note of continued collaboration and support between UKPNP and EESC to work towards a more inclusive and equitable future for the people of Pakistan occupied Jammu & Kashmir.
Sajid Hussain
Representative of NGO at UNHRC
Secretary information
UKPNP Europe Zone
یونائیٹڈ کشمیر پیپلز نیشنل پارٹی کا ایک اہم اجلاس 12 جون 2024 کو برسلز، بیلجیئم میں منعقد ہوا جس میں پارٹی کے رہنما جمیل مقصود ساجد حسین، عقیل احمد، اور عبدالباسط نے شرکت کی۔ پارٹی رہنماؤں نے پاکستان کے زیر انتظام آزاد کشمیر میں موجودہ جاری تحریک اور دو بیانیے کے درمیان تنازعہ پر روشنی ڈالی۔اس اہم اجلاس میں یو کے پی این پی کی بیلجیئم آرگنائزنگ کمیٹی کا قیام عمل میں لایا گیا۔عقیل احمد کو آرگنائزنگ کمیٹی کا صدر اور عبدالباسط کو یو کے پی این پی آرگنائزنگ کمیٹی بیلجیئم میں جنرل سیکرٹری مقرر کیا گیا۔طاہر اشرف، ریاض حنیف، محمد نیاز، بلال، ولید، قمر حمید کو یو کے پی این پی بیلجیم آرگنائزنگ کمیٹی کا ممبر مقرر کیا گیا۔بیلجیئم کی آرگنائزنگ کمیٹی نے جدوجہد کو سراہتے ہوئے سردار شوکت علی کشمیری کی قیادت پر مکمل اعتماد کا اظہار کیا اور جموں کشمیر کے اتحاد اور مکمل آزادی کے عزم کا اعادہ کیا۔کمیٹی کے عہدے داران نے اس بات کا عزم کیا کہ ہم پارٹی کو بیلجیم میں اچھے طریقے ارگنائز کریں گے.اور یورپی یونین کے کیپیٹل بیلجیم میں پارٹی کو مضبوط سے مضبوط تر بنائیں گے.یو کے پی این پی کے انقلابی نظریے اور منشور سے ہی عوام کے حقوق کی بحالی اور ریاست جموں و کشمیر کی بحالی اور آزادی پاکستان ممکن ہے۔ اپنے سہولت کاروں کے ذریعے ازاد کشمیر کی پرامن فضا کو خراب کر رہا ہے .پاکستان اور بالخصوص ان کے سہولت کاروں کو ازاد کشمیر میں پرامن تحریک اور ان کی کامیابی ہضم نہیں ہو رہی اسی لیے پاکستان اور اس کے سہولت کار حکومتی نمائندے پرامن و فضا کو خراب کر رہے ہیں اور ریاستی عوام پر تشدد کر رہے ہیں اور جموں کشمیر عوامی ایکشن کمیٹی کے رہنماؤں پر تشدد کر رہے ہیں ان پر فائرنگ کر رہے ہیں اور ان کو قید کر رہے ہیں.جموں کشمیر عوامی ایکشن کمیٹی کے رہنماؤں کو گرفتار کرکے ان پر تشدد کرنا دہشت گردی کے زمرے میں آتا ہے۔ ہم سردار شبیر، سردار امان، طلحہ ایڈووکیٹ اور چوہدری شکیل ایڈووکیٹ کی گرفتاری کی شدید مذمت کرتے ہیں۔ یو کے پی این پی کا مطالبہ ہے کہ جموں کشمیر عوامی ایکشن کمیٹی کے گرفتار رہنماؤں کو رہا کیا جائے بصورت دیگر پاکستان اور اس کے کٹھ پتلیوں کو سنگین نتائج کا سامنا کرنا پڑے گا۔ہم اس ریاستی تشدد کو عالمی برادری اور تمام بین الاقوامی اداروں بالخصوص اقوام متحدہ اور انسانی حقوق کے تمام اداروں کے سامنے اٹھائیں گے۔ پاکستان ریاست جموں و کشمیر کے اس حصے پر غیر قانونی طور پر قابض ہے اور اس قبضے کو طول دینے کے لیے مزاحمت کاروں اور سہولت کاروں کو آپس میں لڑانے کی سازش کر رہا ہے۔ اور ہمارے عوام کو تقسیم کرنے کی سازش کر رہا ہے ہم پاکستان سے مطالبہ کرتے ہیں کہ پرامن ماحول کو خراب نہ کریں۔ عوام کو لڑا کر پاکستان اپنے مضموم مقاصد میں کبھی بھی کامیاب نہیں ہو سکتامتحدہ کشمیر پیپلز نیشنل پارٹی نے ہمیشہ ریاست جموں کشمیر کے عوام کا مقدمہ عالمی اداروں میں لڑا ہے اور اپنے لوگوں کے حقوق کی بازیابی کے لیے پوری دنیا میں ایک تحریک شروع کی ہے اور پارٹی کبھی بھی اپنے عوام کو تنہا نہیں چھوڑے گی اور عالمی اداروں میں اس کی اواز بنے گی
We warmly welcome our party comrade Abdul Basit in Belgium.The party stalwarts , Sajid Hussain, Aqeel Ahmad, Tahir Ashraf have exchanged their views about the deteriorating human rights situation in Pakistan Occupied Jammu and Kashmir with comrade Abdul Basit on June 01, 2024 at Antwerpen, Belgium. The party comrade Abdul Basit has updated the felow comrades about the current turmoil in POJK.
The comrades of the United Kashmir People's National Party (UKPNP) convened in Antwerpen to discuss their ongoing struggle for freedom, democracy, and equality in Jammu & Kashmir. The meeting emphasized the importance of fundamental freedoms and human rights highlighting the region's desire for liberation from oppressive regimes.The gatherings and these meetings reaffirmed UKPNP's commitment to peaceful advocacy and international solidarity in achieving their goals for a free, secular and democratic jammu Kashmir.
Exiled Chairman UKPNP, Sardar Shaukat Ali Kashmiri Europe visit on february 07th ,2023
یونائیٹڈ کشمیر پیپلز نیشنل پارٹی (یو کے پی این پی) بیلجیئم نے 22 اکتوبر 2024 کو برسلز میں یوم سیاہ منایا
برسلز، بیلجیئم – یونائیٹڈ کشمیر پیپلز نیشنل پارٹی (UKPNP)
بیلجیئم نے برسلز میں 22 اکتوبر 2024 کو یوم سیاہ کے موقع پر ایک اہم پروگرام کا انعقاد کیا۔ یہ تقریب 22 اکتوبر 1947 میں جموں و کشمیر پر قبائلی حملے کی یاد میں منائی گئی، جس کے نتیجے میں ریاست کی تقسیم ہوئی۔ پروگرام کی نظامت UKPNP بیلجیم کے جنرل سیکرٹری عبدالباسط نے کی۔ UKPNP کے اہم رہنماؤں اور کارکنوں نے خطے کو درپیش تاریخی اور جاری چیلنجوں پر تبادلہ خیال کیا ہے۔
یو کے پی این پی یورپ زون کے سیکرٹری اطلاعات ساجد حسین نے تعارفی تقریر کے ساتھ تقریب کا آغاز کیا، قبائلی حملے کی مذمت کی اور جموں و کشمیر پر حملے کے پس پردہ کرداروں کی مکمل تفصیل فراہم کی۔ انہوں نے اس حملے کے پیچھے کی سازش پر زور دیا جسے آپریشن گلمرگ کے نام سے جانا جاتا ہے، جس کی وجہ سے 1947 سے جموں کشمیر کی تقسیم ہوئی ہے۔ یونائیٹڈ کشمیر پیپلز نیشنل پارٹی نے جموں کشمیر کے دوبارہ اتحاد کے لیے ایک سچا بیانیہ پیش کیا ہے۔
UKPNP کی خارجہ امور کمیٹی کے صدر جمیل مقصود نے آپریشن گلمرگ کے بارے میں مزید وضاحت کی، جس میں جموں اور کشمیر میں پاکستان کی طرف سے شروع کی گئی کارروائیوں کے سلسلے کا خاکہ پیش کیا گیا۔ انہوں نے کشمیری عوام کے درمیان انصاف اور یکجہتی کی ضرورت کا اعادہ کرتے ہوئے قبائلی حملے اور اس کے طویل مدتی نتائج کے بارے میں گہری بصیرت پیش کی۔ متحدہ کشمیر پیپلز نیشنل پارٹی متحدہ اور آزاد جموں کشمیر کے قیام کے لیے کوشاں ہے۔
پروگرام کی صدارت سردار عقیل احمد نے کی، جنہوں نے تمام شرکاء کی موجودگی اور پرامن اور متحدہ جموں و کشمیر کے مقصد سے وابستگی پر اظہار تشکر کیا۔ انہوں نے اس تقریب میں شرکت کے لیے شرکاء کا شکریہ بھی ادا کیا جو کہ UKPNP کی جانب سے تاریخی ناانصافیوں کے بارے میں بیداری اور جموں و کشمیر کے لوگوں کے حقوق کی وکالت کے لیے جاری کوششوں میں ایک اور سنگ میل ہے۔
معروف سیاسی و سماجی رہنما راجہ مدثر حامد نے یو کے پی این پی میں شمولیت اختیار کر لی
عقیل احمد، صدر یو کے پی این پی بیلجیئم نے راجہ مدثر حامد کے اعزاز میں یو کے پی این پی میں شمولیت پر استقبالیہ دیا
Brussels, (December 25, 2024),
Renowned Political and Social Leader Raja Mudassar Hamid Joins UKPNP due to it's Secular and pro unification and pro people ideology.
In a significant political move, Raja Mudassar Hamid, a renowned political and social leader, has officially joined the United Kashmir People's National Party (UKPNP). Known for its secular and scientific agenda, UKPNP stands out as the only political party in Jammu and Kashmir advocating for the unification of the region with a commitment to diversity and equality.
The UKPNP rejects discrimination based on faith, region, tribe, gender, creed, ideology, or language. Its platform emphasizes the rights and ownership of Kashmir's natural resources, representing these causes on both national and international stages.
Expressing his reasons for joining the party, Raja Mudassar Hamid stated:
"The UKPNP’s dedication to secularism and inclusivity, as well as its tireless efforts to unify Jammu and Kashmir, deeply resonate with my values. I am committed to leveraging my skills and abilities to strengthen the party’s presence both within the diaspora and back home in Jammu and Kashmir.
This development marks a significant boost for the UKPNP, which continues to gain support from leaders advocating for a united and secular and diverse Jammu and Kashmir.
The Delegation of United Kashmir People’s National Party (UKPNP) comprises on Jamil Maqsood , Secretary Foreign Affairs UKPNP & Sajid Hussain Secretary Information UKPNP Europe Zone have Participated in the European Institute for Asian Studies (EIAS) and the European External Action Service(EEAS) in-person Seminar on “Pakistan at a Crossroads: Navigating Challenges in a volatile region and the Potential for EU-Pakistan Relations”. The event is being organised on the occasion of a visiting delegation of senior journalists from Pakistan to Brussels and will be complemented by views from the European External Action Service.
14:30 – 15:00 Registration
15:00 – 15:15 Welcoming Remarks by the chair
Lin Goethals, Director, European Institute for Asian Studies
15:15 – 16:15 Panel Discussion with
Hamid Mir, Senior Journalist, Columnist and Writer, Geo News, Washington Post, Guardian
Maria Memon, Journalists and TV Anchor at ARY News
Mehmal Sarfraz, Journalist, Political Analyst and Co- Founder of ‘The Current’
Shahbaz Anwaar Rana, Economic and Foreign Affairs Analyst, Daily Express Tribune, co-host of the Express News show ‘The Review’ and founding Member of the South Asian Society of Economic Reporters (SASER)
Deren Derya, Head of Division for Afghanistan and Pakistan, European External Action Service
16:15 – 17:00 Interactive Q&A session with the audience
17:00 – 18:00 Networking Reception
Pakistan at a Crossroads: Navigating Challenges in a volatile region and the Potential for EU-Pakistan Relations
As the fifth most populous country in the world, located in a volatile region between South and Central Asia, Pakistan finds itself at a critical juncture, grappling with a multitude of challenges across the realms of security, climate change, economics and politics. Heavily impacted by the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, terrorism in Pakistan has resurged, raising security concerns for stability in the country and the region. Pakistan is extremely vulnerable to climate change, posing a significant existential threat to the country’s fragile ecosystem and its citizens’ livelihoods. National disasters like the 2022 floods affecting a third of the country are likely to occur at a higher frequency and severity in the future. Moreover, Pakistan's population is facing persistent inflation at record levels, while the country is on the verge of default. Given the ongoing turmoil on the political front uncertainty remains over the upcoming national elections, which are ought to be held by October 2023. While the broad ruling coalition faces discontent due to the multiple crises in the country, the former Prime Minister ousted in 2022 still enjoys popular support, while risking to be disqualified from running for the elections.
Despite its dire economic situation, the EU is Pakistan’s largest export destination, with exports consisting mainly of textile and clothing. Since the country was granted GSP+ status (Generalised System of Preferences) by the EU in 2014, exports have grown by 64%. While the EU is currently reviewing its GSP trading scheme and conditions, it is also reassessing Pakistan’s GSP+ status in view of the implementation of the 27 internationally recognised conventions related to human rights, good governance, labour rights and environmental protection.
Facing these multiple crises, what does the future hold for the people of Pakistan? This seminar will shed light on the possible implications for the region and for EU–Pakistan relations, as well as the situation of the media in Pakistan and what role it can play in finding possible solutions, drawing on vast expertise from journalism in Pakistan.
The United Kashmir People's National Party (UKPNP) has held its Europe Zone Convention in Geneva during 36th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council on 20th September-2017.
In this convention a larger number of Party cadre and leaders of the sister organisations. Civil society representatives, Journalists and locals participated.
Among them the most esteemed are Professor Naila Qadri Bloch, veteran Bloch leader and Human Rights defender,
Doctor Misfar Hassan leader of Jammu Kashmir Liberation League and councilor in Great Britain,
Mr Ghulam Hussain, President Jammu Kashmir Freedom Movement Europe,
Counselor, writer and filmmaker Mr Ali Adalat,
Mr Mahmood Kashmiri, Chairman Jammu Kashmir National Independence Alliance,
Raja Sajjad, leader of Jammu Kashmir National Awami Party Great Britain,
The convention was Moderated by Jamil Maqsood, Former Central Secretary Foreign Affairs of the United Kashmir People's National Party ( UKPNP)
Party comrades have adopted democratic process and every comrades was requested to with nominate someone else or present himself as a candidate.
Following cabinet has been unanimously elected for the UKPNP Europe Zone.
1- President:. Sardar Amjad Yousaf - Great Britain.
2- Senior Vice President: Mrs Faria Attique- Great Britain.
3- Vice President: Sikandar Abbas- Belgium.
4- General Secretary: Asif Abbas - Italy
5- Deputy General Secretary: Iftikhar Ahmed- Italy
6- Organizer: Saqib Rafique- Great Britain
7- Deputy Organizer : Yasir Akhlaq - Great Britain
8- Secretary Finance : Yasir Arafat- Spain.
9- Secretary Information: Sajid Hussain - Belgium.
The oath of the newly elected office bearers was taken by Mr Nasir Aziz Khan, Former Central Spokesperson of the United Kashmir People's National Party,
Among others Mr Usman Kiani, President of the United Kashmir People's National Party - Great Britain Zone, Mr Naeem Khan, President of UKPNP- Greece Unit, Mr Israr Ahmed, General Secretary of the United Kashmir People's National Party Greece Unit, Mr Gul Wani, member of the UKPNP, and Party activists from Italy, Switzerland and other EU states were also present.
All the participants congratulated new leadership of the United Kashmir People's National Party (UKPNP) Europe Zone and expressed their hopes for the best political struggle for the unification of the erstwhile state of Jammu Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan.
Sajid Hussain
Press and publication Secretary
UKPNP Europe Zone
Oath taking of UKPNP Europe Zone